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Posts tagged "montana"

Yellowstone, Grand Teton & Salt Lake City

  • 16/Mar/2019 at 15:57

Yellowstone is a familiar name for anyone my age in Spain, as we had those famous cartoons of Yoggi Bear and his friend Bubu, who lived there, making the life impossible to the many campers, visitors and forest guards,… and that was one of the closest National Parks near Chicago, where I had to travel for other reasons. Moreover, reading this is a volcanic area, and having missed a trip to Iceland in the past, this was tailor-made opportunity to get to see some the particular landscapes and spots of such area. Decision was quite easy to made.


Trip organization came a bit too late, and that entailed some logistics issues when visiting a (very) popular destination in high season (August): there was no affordable accommodation in the park, and we could only find reasonable prices at 2-hour drive locations. This ended up being a bit tiring, but driving in these wide areas in the US is also a very enjoyable activity, as the landscapes in the huge valleys make it worth it.

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We drove through 3 of the 7 states with the highest rate cattle/person: Montana (#3), Wyoming (#5) and Idaho (#7). Driving forth and back, we saw many latifundia devoted to agriculture or ranching, and countless cows. We were in the West, where many of the movies were based, although instead of riding a horse, were driving a large Nissan through the endless straight roads, with only some scattered and isolated houses at the hills’ slopes. These places looked quite scary to live in (too many terror movies, maybe?), but even worse when we saw some active fires. We could count at least four different ones, so big that its smoke reached many hundreds of miles apart, ruining some views (and many pictures) in the park.

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One of the many cool things about these roadtrips is spotting different state license plates in the cars. For those who may not know it, each state has a different design, which is also part of their own branding, with slogans like “Scenic Idaho”, “Life Elevated” (Utah), or “Treasure State” (Montana).

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We visited two National Parks (Grand Teton and Yellowstone), two National Forests (Shoshone and Targhee), four states (Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana), and many many kilometres… but it was really interesting. (more posts coming…)

Subida al Puig Campana

Después de decir que sí a hacer una ruta de senderismo el domingo pasado, por Alicante me di cuenta que iba a ser la primera ruta “seria” de este tipo que hacía en Alicante… Y menudo estreno. La ruta era calificada por los organizadores, el Ayuntamiento de El Campello, como de Dificultad Alta, de 15 km de longitud, y 1000 metros de desnivel… Bueno, según mi GPS, fueron 18 km, 1278 metros de desnivel, y dificultad infinita.
puig campana
El Puig Campana es una de las montañas más emblemáticas de la Bahía de Alicante, y uno de los picos más altos de la provincia. Toda una referencia para los que vivimos por la zona, y con una bonita leyenda sobre el origen de su curiosa forma: un gigante enamorado le dio una patada a la montaña, provocando el característico tajo y formando la cercana isla de Benidorm.


La ruta la empezamos en el pueblo de Finestrat, ya que al autobús no podía subir más. De esta forma, el primer tramo hasta la Font del Molí, venía “de extra”. De la Font del Molí emprendimos la ruta circular alrededor de la montaña, dejando “el kilómetro vertical”, de lado. Esto es una ruta que sube “directo” a la cima (1000 metros de desnivel), sin rodeos, por un camino de piedras, y con una pendiente espectacular… Pero nosotros fuimos “poco a poco”. Seguimos la ruta circular, un PR muy bien señalizado, hasta el Coll del Pouet. En este punto, en la cara Norte de la montaña, el camino se bifurca en una ruta de unos de 2 km de subida para salvar los 600 metros de desnivel restantes, o la continuación de la ruta circular.


Cogimos, por supuesto, el ascenso hasta la cima, con un “agradable” viento, que en ciertos momentos venía con rachas bastante fuertes, con nubes que impedían disfrutar del fantástico paisaje, y con una sensación térmica no todo lo agradable que podría haber sido. Hicimos cima rápido, fotos, y a regresar al Coll del Pouet, donde hicimos una rápida parada para comer, y terminar la ruta en Finestrat donde la habíamos comenzado, casi 8 horas después de haber partido.


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